Since 1990 HB-Laser has been developing & realizing multimedia projects & installations worldwide to full satisfaction of our customers.
Here you will get an insight into our references from all areas of application.
With highest motivation we are happy to turn your ideas into reality. Please contact us and our team is looking forward to developing and realizing unique, creative and technical solutions for you.
Place Vendom Mall / Doha, Qatar
In the heart of Qatar, the Place Vendome Mall stands as a beacon of luxury and innovation, showcasing the pinnacle of multimedia entertainment in one of the largest shopping centers in the Arab world. Entrusted with the task of bringing this vision to life, HB-Laserkomponenten GmbH embarked on a monu-mental project to create a mesmerizing multimedia show that seamlessly integrates water fountains, video mapping, laser projections and sound effects, centered around the mall’s expansive 150 x 80 m pool.
Statue of Unity / Gujarat, India
Mapping the largest statue in the world with both video and laser was a special challenge. Special thanks to our partners Pyramid Technolo-gies, LNT and Christie, this enormous project could be realized in only 2.5 months.
HB-Laser was able to implement the complete planning including the projection center, cooling systems, switch cabinets and control technology in only 3 weeks. The production of all LightCube OPSL laser systems and the 51 video racks with special mirror technollogy was implemented in-house in record time.
Andy Lau „Unforgettable Tour“ – Asia Tour
Hb-Laser systems were used throughout the Andy Lau Asia concert tour. The laser systems were used to create a cage-like laser beam effect and graphics projections.
Al Noor Island / Sharjah UAE
In cooperation with 3deluxe, HB-Laser developed the technical solutions for video projections and video mappings to bring art installations like „Glowing Meadows“ and „Glowing Trees“ to life. Additionally, the more than 2.2 km long walking path was installed with lighting technology, LED mapping technology and an audio system. This posed a special challenge, as the entire outdoors technology had to be almost invisible and specially protected due to the climatic conditions (0-55°C up to 90% humidity). Our know-how and years of experience working with difficult environments led to the desired success.
HB-Laser is the specialist for difficult environments, with many years of experience in underground installations.
Custom-made devices of HB-Laser can resist these extreme environments and they are very reliable for many years. Even at daily use in aggressive environments, the sensitive equipment is perfectly protected. This more than justifies the additional expense of custommade devices.
Turn-key solutions illustrate what many museums expect from their multimedia-partners. HB-Laser often proved their experience in not only doing spectacular laser and video installations for museums, but also providing furniture, interactive areas or the individual creation of themed rooms or areas.
Many different applications with lasers, video, water or other effects can be combined to illustrate history, stories or any scientific topic. The development of ‚Edutainment‘ systems are one of HB-Laser‘s core competences.
Saltmine / Berchtesgaden, Germany
Salt Mine / Heilbronn, Germany
Mine / Aalen, Germany
Teng Long Cave / Hubei, China
It doesn‘t matter whether historical happenings, cultural monuments or museums with ambitious historical issues, HB-Laser demonstrates expertise in many demanding installations. These monuments of history are shown as widely visible highlights.
Turn-key solutions is what many planetariums and museums expect from their multimedia partners. HB-Laser often proved their experience in not only doing spectacular laser and video installations for museums, but also providing furniture, interactive areas or the individual creation of themed rooms or areas. Many different applications with lasers, video, water or other effects can be combined to tell history, stories or any scientific topic. The development of ‚Edutainment‘ systems are one of HB-Laser‘s core competencies.
The particular challenge with laser for planetariums is to achieve a stable color balance. Especially when dimming down to zero, the colors should not change. The noise level of coolers and scanners should also be taken into account.
LightCube laser systems leave nothing to be desired in this respect.
Planetariums / Berlin & Hamburg, Germany
& Warsaw, Poland
Museums / Azadi & Teheran, Iran
Limes Museum / Aalen, Germany
Flame Furnace Museum / Koenigsbronn, Germany